Terms and Conditions
Opći uvjeti poslovanja
Puni naziv: REDONO, d.o.o. za turizam i ugostiteljstvo, turističke agencije
Skraćeni naziv: REDONO, d.o.o.
Sjedište: Dioklecijanova ulica 3, 21 000 Split
Voditelj poslova: Josip Sedlar – ima svojstvo vođenja i nadzora djelatnosti, operativnih i administrativnih postupaka, te nadzor kvalitete i sigurnosti usluge, uključujući i usluge dobavljača. Po ovlaštenju Uprave predstavlja Društvo i organizacijsku jedinicu.
Registarski sud: Trgovački sud u Splitu
Nadležno tijelo djelatnosti turističke agencije: Ministarstvo turizma- Samostalni sektor turističke inspekcije, Trg Republike Hrvatske 8/1, 10 000 Zagreb
MBS: 060277905
OIB: 84094881554
E-mail: desk@splitwalkingtour.com
Kontakt: +385 99 821 5383
Radno vrijeme:
01.04 – 31.10 : 08.00 – 22.00 (Svaki dan)
01.11. – 31.03: 09.00 – 16.00 (Radnim danom)
REDONO d.o.o. tvrtka je čija je osnovna djelatnost ugostiteljstvo i turizam te druge s tim povezane djelatnosti koje su u funkciji obavljanja osnovne djelatnosti
Temeljni kapital: 20.000,00 kuna, uplaćeno u cijelosti
REDONO d.o.o. zadržava prava na ugovor koji sadrži Opće uvjete poslovanja. Opći uvjeti poslovanja sastavni su dio ugovora koji klijent sklapa s REDONO d.o.o., odnosno ovlaštenom turističkom agencijom s kojom su rezervirali uslugu. Smatra se da klijent prije rezervacije pročitao te u potpunosti prihvaća program i Opće uvjete poslovanja.REDONO d.o.o. zadržava prava na ugovor koji sadrži Opće uvjete poslovanja.
1. Sadržaj i cijena usluga
Usluga uključuje sve ono što piše u programu istaknutom u agenciji ili na mrežnim stranicama agencije. Sadržaj usluga čini, odnosno cijena usluga uključuje sve što je organizator naveo u programu. Posebne usluge su usluge koje nisu uključene u cijenu te ih putnik posebno plaća. Ove se usluge trebaju zatražiti prilikom prijave i doplaćuju se na cijenu aranžmana. Fakultativne i posebne usluge koje putnik zatraži tijekom trajanja putovanja plaćaju se predstavniku organizatora putovanja u valuti zemlje u kojoj se usluga pruža. Cijene usluga objavljene su u kunama i eurima. Organizator jamči provedbu programa prema opisu usluga. Sadržaj usluga organizator će ostvariti u potpunosti i na opisani način, osim u slučaju izuzetnih okolnosti (rat, nemiri, štrajkovi, terorističke akcije, sanitarni poremećaji, elementarne nepogode, intervencije nadležnih vlasti i sl.)
2. Rezervacije i način plaćanja
Rezervacije za usluge primaju se u Turističkoj agenciji REDONO d.o.o.. Prilikom prijave kupac uplaćuje ukupnu vrijednost usluge za što dobiva odgovarajući račun koji je dužan predočiti krajnjem pružatelju usluge. Prilikom prijave kupac je dužan predočiti sve podatke ili dokumente koje zahtjeva program usluge.
Načini plaćanja i informacije:
1. Plaćanje na licu mjesta u agenciji prihvaća se samo u gotovini
2. Plaćanje se može izvršiti i bankovnom transakcijom
3. Otkazivanje ili promjena programa
Organizator zadržava pravo otkazivanja i/ili promjene rute/programa ako nastupe izvanredne okolnosti koje se ne mogu predvidjeti, izbjeći ili otkloniti (vidi točku 1) koje mogu ugroziti sigurnost putnika.
4. Polica otkazivanja
Putnik ima pravo na otkazivanje rezervacije.
- Ukoliko je usluga kupljena u roku od 7 dana prije početka ture, nema pravo na povrat novca
- Ako se putnik nije pojavio na dan polaska ture (koja je prethodno bila u cijelosti uplaćena), a pritom nije najavio nedolazak, nema pravo na povrat novca
- Za sve rezervacije otkazane unutar 7 do 30 dana prije ture, klijent ima pravo na 50% povrata novca
- Za sve rezervacije otkazane više od 30 dana prije ture, klijent ima pravo na 100% povrata novca.
- U povrat nisu uključeni troškovi bankovnih transfera i naknade za plaćanje kreditnom karticom.
5. Obveze organizatora putovanja
Organizator je dužan brinuti o provedbi usluga kao i izboru izvršitelja usluga pažnjom dobrog organizatora te brinuti o pravima i interesima kupca suglasno dobrim običajima u turizmu. Organizator je dužan kupcu izdati odgovarajuće dokumente za uplaćenu uslugu. Organizator isključuje svaku odgovornost u slučaju promjena i neizvršenja usluga prouzročenih višom silom (vidi točku 1). U ovim slučajevima putnik podmiruje sve dodatne troškove.
6. Obveze putnika
Putnik je dužan pridržavati se naputaka i pravila ponašanja u svim posjećenim objektima, u sredstvima prijevoza te surađivati s izvršiteljima usluge u dobroj namjeri za vrijeme trajanja usluge, odnosno svojim postupcima ne onemogućavati nesmetano odvijanje programa usluge kao i ne ugrožavati prava ostalih putnika u korištenju usluga. Putnik je dužan posjedovati valjane putne isprave (osobne dokumente). Troškove gubitka ili krađe osobnih dokumenata tijekom putovanja snosi putnik. Pratitelj ili predstavnik organizatora će pomoći, ali uz uvjet da se program neometano odvija. Putnik je dužan prilikom konzumacije aranžmana predstavniku organizatora predočiti dokument o plaćenom aranžmanu (račun). U slučaju nepoštivanja neke od ovih obveza, putnik odgovara organizatoru putovanja za učinjenu štetu.
7. Zaštita privatnosti
REDONO d.o.o. čvrsto vjeruje u zaštitu privatnosti svojih klijenata. Prikupljamo podatke kako bismo pružili bolje usluge svim našim klijentima, ali samo u vezi s uslugama koje pružamo. REDONO d.o.o. osobne podatke ne prodaje, zamjenjuje, iznajmljuje ili ustupa trećim licima, osim u slučaju kada je to propisano procedurom, te je neophodno za nesmetanu realizaciju usluge. Sve pružene informacije strogo su povjerljive i dostupne samo našem osoblju kako bi pravilno obavljali svoj posao u realizaciji naših usluga. Zadržavamo pravo na izmjenu, dodavanje stavki ili uklanjanje ovog pravila u bilo kojem trenutku.
8. Rješavanje prigovora
Sukladno članku 6, točka 3. Zakona o pružanju usluga u turizmu (NN 130/17) omogućuje se korisniku turističkih usluga podnošenje pisanog prigovora u poslovnim prostorijama (Adresa: Dioklecijanova 3, 21 000 Split), putem pošte ili elektronske pošte:
na adresu:
Redono d.o.o.,
Dioklecijanova ulica 3, 21 000 Split,
Republika Hrvatska;
ili e-mail: desk@splitwalkingtour.com;
ili fax: +385 21 269999
Najkasnije 15 dana po konzumaciji aranžmana, kupac predaje pismeni prigovor u prodajnom mjestu gdje je uplatio aranžman, ili putem pošte, telefaksa ili elektroničke pošte, te prilaže pismenu potvrdu koju je potpisao predstavnik i možebitne račune za dodatne troškove. Organizator će primiti u postupak samo potpuno dokumentirane pritužbe koje primi u navedenom roku od 15 dana te bez odgađanja pisanim putem potvrditi njegov primitak. Organizator je dužan donijeti pismeno rješenje na ovaj prigovor u roku od 15 dana po primitku prigovora u prodajnom mjestu. Organizator može odgoditi rok rješenja pritužbe zbog prikupljanja informacija i provjere navoda žalbe kod davaoca usluga najviše za još 15 dana. Organizator će rješavati samo one pritužbe kojima se uzrok nije mogao otkloniti u mjestu boravka.
9. Nadležnost suda
Za sve možebitne sporove koje je nemoguće riješiti sporazumno, nadležan je sud u Splitu.
General terms and conditions
Full name: REDONO, d.o.o. for tourism and hospitality, travel agency
Short name: REDONO, d.o.o..
Head office: Dioklecijanova ulica 3, 21 000 Split
Head manager: Josip Sedlar in charge of conducting and managing activities, operational and administrative procedures, and controlling the quality and safety of services, including supplier services. With the permission of the board of directors, he represents the company and organizational unit
Registered court: Trgovački sud u Splitu/Commercial Court in Split
Body supervising the activities of tourist agencies: Ministry of Tourism – Independent Sector of Tourism Inspection. Trg maršala Tita 8 / I, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Register number (MBS): 060277905
Company Identification Number (OIB): 84094881554
E-mail: desk@splitwalkingtour.com
Contact: +385 99 821 5383
Working hours:
01.04 – 31.10 : 08.00 – 22.00 (Every day)
01.11. – 31.03: 09.00 – 16.00 (Weekdays)
REDONO d.o.o. is a company whose main activities are tourism and hospitality, and other related activities
Share capital: 20,000.00 HRK, paid in full
REDONO d.o.o. reserves all the rights to this contract containing the General Terms and Conditions.
The General Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the contract that the client enters into with REDONO d.o.o., i.e. the authorized tourist agency with which they have reserved the service. It is considered that the client has read and accepted all the terms stated in the General Terms and Conditions before booking.
1. Contents and pricing
The arrangement includes everything that is written on the programme you can find in the agency or on the agency’s websites. Contents of the arrangements and the prices have been laid out in the promotional brochure and on the tour websites which are offered for free to any interested parties. Special services are those services which have not been included in the above-mentioned arrangements and their prices and are therefore purchased separately by the customer. These kinds of services have to be asked for during the application and they require additional charges. The prices have been clearly stated in the promotional brochure and on the company’s websites in kuna/ HRK and euro/EUR. The agency guarantees the implementation of the arrangements according to their description. The contents of the arrangements will be fully realized in the described manner, except in the case of exceptional circumstances (war, uprisings, strike, terrorist acts, sanitary disorders, street violence, natural disasters, interventions of municipal authorities, etc.)
2. Application and payment methods
Applications are received in the agency office of REDONO d.o.o. at the address Dioklecijanova 3 (Diocletian street 3), 21 000 Split or online. During the application, the customer purchases the reservation in the total value of the arrangement for which he receives a suitable receipt. The customer is required to present the receipt to the tour guide at the start of the arrangement. During the application, if need be so, the customer is required to present the necessary identification documents at the request of the agency.
Payment methods and information:
1. Payments made in the company office are in cash only
2. Payments can also be made by bank transfer
3. Cancellation and change of schedule and contents
The organizer of the arrangement reserves the right to cancel and/or change the route/tour due to any weather conditions that could endanger passengers or in case of extraordinary circumstances ( see above, no.1.).
4. Cancellation policy
The client has the right to cancel the reservation.
- If the service is purchased within 7 days before the start of the tour, he or she is not entitled to a refund
- If the client did not appear on the day of departure of the tour (which had been fully paid in advance), and without prior announcement, he or she is not entitled to a refund
- For all reservations canceled within 7 and 30 days before the tour, the client is entitled to a 50% refund
- For all bookings canceled more than 30 days before the tour, the client is entitled to a 100% refund.
- We do not refund bank transfer expanses or credit card fees.
5. Organizer responsibility
The organizer is required to take care of the proper implementation of the arrangements as well as to carefully choose the appropriate individuals for this task and also to respect the rights and interests of the customer according to the customs of quality tourism. He is also required to issue appropriate receipts for the given service and is excluded from any kind of responsibility caused by extraordinary circumstances (see above no.1) and any therewith additional costs which therefore need to be covered by the customer.
6. Buyer responsibility
The client is obliged to abide by the instructions and rules of conduct in all visited facilities, in the means of transport and to cooperate with service providers in good faith during the service, i.e. not to disable the smooth running of the service programme, as well as not to endanger other passengers during the service. The client is required to have valid travel documents (personal documents) during the service. Costs of loss or theft of personal documents during the service are borne by the client. The escort or the organizer’s representative will help, but on condition that the tour programme is undisturbed. The client is obliged to present a document/voucher on the paid arrangement (invoice) before the beginning of the service to the organizer’s representative.
In the event of non-compliance with any of these obligations, the client responds to the service provider for any damages suffered.
7. Privacy policy
REDONO d.o.o. strongly believes in protecting the privacy of its clients. We collect information to provide better services to all of our clients but only related to the services we provide. REDONO d.o.o. will never sell, share, trade or give away any of our clients’ personal information to third parties, except in the case where it is necessary for the smooth execution of the service.
All information provided is kept strictly confidential and accessible only to staff in order for them to properly do their job in helping clients regarding the services.
REDONO d.o.o. reserves the right to change, modify, add, or remove this policy at any time. Changes to this policy may affect the use of personal information provided to us prior to the effective date of the changes.
8. Resolving complaints
In accordance with Article 6 paragraph 3 of the Act of the Provision of Tourism Services (NN 130/17) we would like to inform our customers that a complaint on the quality of our services may be submitted in writing to the company office (Address: Dioklecijanova 3, 21 000, Split), via postal address, fax or by e-mail::
Redono d.o.o.,
Dioklecijanova ulica 3, 21 000 Split,
Republika Hrvatska;
or e-mail: desk@splitwalkingtour.com;
or fax: +385 21 269999
No later than 15 days after the service has been consumed, the customer can submit a written complaint on the spot to the point of sales, or by mail, telefax or email and enclose a written statement signed by the representative and all potential accounts for additional costs. The organizer will accept only properly filed complaints received within the specified period of 15 days and will without delay respond in written form about the receipt of the latter.
The organizer is required to make a written decision on the complaint within 15 days of receiving the complaint at the point of sales. The organizer may postpone the deadline in order to collect more information and verify the complaint with the service provider up to additional 15 days. The organizer will only resolve those complaints which could not be solved in the place of residence.
9. Court jurisdiction
Any kind of legal disagreements that cannot get mutually settled, fall under the jurisdiction of the legal court in Split.